The Mind’s Road to God

HomeWorshipPastoral CarePrayer Daily Offices Lectio Divina Prayer MinistryTeachings Articles/News SermonsAbout Us LeadershipContact Us Blessed is the man whose help is from Thee.  In his heart he hath disposed to ascend by steps, in the vale of tears, in the place which he hath set [Ps 84:6]. Since beatitude is nothing else than the fruition of…

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The Ascension of Christ

HomeWorshipPastoral CarePrayer Daily Offices Lectio Divina Prayer MinistryTeachings Articles/News SermonsAbout Us LeadershipContact Us The Ascension is all about spiritual birth.  Jesus takes humanity – his humanity and ours – and transforms it, elevates it, endows it with new spiritual life.  As an ancient hymn puts it: Yea, angels tremble when they see How changed is…

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Anglican Sacramentalism

The Biblical and Patristic Foundations of Anglican Sacramentalism as Understood by the English Reformers   Robert D. Crouse   “Sacraments, by reason of their mixed nature, are more diversely interpreted and disputed of than any other part of religion besides…”.  So pronounces Richard Hooker, in the course of his lengthy discussion of Sacraments in Book…

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