Bible Study: Acts


God willing, we will begin a Bible Study on The Acts of the Apostles next Friday 12 April at 8pm, meeting at our church Boomberglaan 6 Hilversum.  All are welcome to join us.  This great book of St Luke unveils the earliest history of the Church as it was inspired and set aflame by the Holy Spirit.  As a new church, we hope to be encouraged and likewise inspired for our mission.


These are the planned dates and proposed content:


Friday 12 April    - Introduction and Acts 1 & 2 - Ascension to Pentecost


Friday 3 May       - Acts 3 to 5 - Signs and Opposition


Friday 7 June       - Acts 6 to 12:24 - Persecution & Expansion


Friday 20 Sept      - Acts 12:25 to 15:35 - Paul's 1st Mission & the 1st Council


Friday 18 Oct       - Acts 15:36 to 21:14 - Paul's 2nd & 3rd Missions


Friday 15 Nov      - Acts 21:15 to 28 end - Paul on Trial & Final Journey


We will try to keep to our timing: 8pm to 9:30pm.  We will read the text together (or selections).  It is an opportunity for learning and lively discussion.  Bring all your questions!  For preparation it would be good to read the text to be studied beforehand.


If you know you are planning to come, please let me know so we have some idea for our preparations.  But if you decide to come at the last minute you are most welcome too!


In the love of our risen Lord,


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Worship Address: Adventist Church, Boomberglaan 6, Hilversum

Mailing Address:  Robijn 13, 3893 EN Zeewolde

Contact: (+31) 06 124 104 31

Donations:  NL75 INGB 0709 7677 49 (t.n.v. All Saints Anglican Church Amersfoort.)
(This All Saints account is designated for Ascension funds only.)

or you can use the Givt App:

Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Psalm 127:1,2