Lectio Divina

Calm me Lord, as you rebuked the winds and the sea.

by Fr Jean Celestine Ngoma


Opening Prayer

Thank you, my God, for this new personal encounter with you.

I offer myself to you.

I want to inwardly receive the word of life that you have to give me this week.

Let it renew my inner self day by day.

May it outwardly produce marks of the Spirit’s work in me.





1. Lectio (Read)


When Jesus got into the boat, his disciples followed him.  And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep.  And they went and woke him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing.”  And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?”  Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.  And the men marvelled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?”

(St. Matthew 8:23-27, ESVUK)


Silence: I once more read the text.


I am marvelled by the sacred words of Jesus: “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?”. The refrain that catches my attention is:

Calm me Lord, as you rebuked the winds and the sea.



2. Meditatio (Rejoice and Reflect)


As I reflected on this passage, the image of a twofold metaphor of Christian life, namely "sojourners and exiles” came back to my mind again. We are all exodus people.

In my heaven-bound pilgrimage on earth, Jesus Himself helps me to sail through the struggle and warfare against sinful passions. The evil one always tries to wage war against my soul. He always wants to harm it spiritually, but as the psalmist says, my help is in the Lord, who made heaven and earth (cf 124:8).


Calm me Lord, as you rebuked the winds and the sea.




Thinking about what is happening around the world, I underscore my fear that one day the war in Ukraine may escalate and reach my street and that one day we may be caught unaware by an unexpected storm of missile exchange between Russia and Europe.

I think about war in my country of origin, the Congo, and wars in the Middle East.

I also meditate on how disbelief, materialism, and a culture of perfection create some darkness that has taken over our lives, filling everything with meaninglessness and a desolate emptiness that paralyzes almost everything in its path.

I spend a few minutes thinking about how thick false ideologies cover our squares, our roads, and our cities nowadays.

Should I focus on that status quo? The answer of the psalmist echoes in my mind and gives peace in my heart:


From where does my help come?

My help comes from the Lord,

who made heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot be moved;

he who keeps you will not slumber. (Psalm 121)


When stormy news comes to me I should always lift up my eyes to the hill of God, his Temple.

Calm me Lord, as you rebuked the winds and the sea.




I once more read the passage and noted that the storm in the text reveals my vulnerability and underscores some false and superfluous securities upon which I have built my life plans, habits, and priorities.  I realise that I am in the same boat as the disciples of Christ, sometimes fragile and disorientated, but I thank God that  I do not journey alone in this journey.

Calm me Lord, as you rebuked the winds and the sea.



3. Oratorio (Ask and Respond)


The lack of faith on the part of the disciples stands in contrast with Jesus' trust.

They might have thought that Jesus did not care about them and never cared about them and wanted just to use them for His personal project since Jesus was not joining in in their trials during the storm’s incident.

Despite all the noise and havoc, Jesus remains unshakable and sleeps serenely trusting in His Father in heaven.


Calm me Lord, as you rebuked the winds and the sea.


I join in the disciples' call for help :

Lord Jesus, save me! I am lost:

Wake up, stand, and calm the winds and waters of my life.

Remove my fears and lift me beyond my constrained vision

Reset my heart so that I may feel the sufferings of my neighbour

Lord, have mercy on me

Heal me from my unchecked symptoms of pride and superfluous securities

Make my footsteps firm again Lord,

Restore my soul and lead me in paths of righteousness

Calm me Lord, as you rebuked the winds and the sea.




Who am I in the boat with? Who are my fellow passengers? What is my responsibility towards each one of them? How can I help them?

What are my storms? Am I still in the middle of a storm?

or have I got used to it, or have I come out of it and can't remember anymore?




Whatever my situation, I want to keep in mind that Jesus is present in my storm, that he accompanies me, and that he never leaves me alone. For all that, I want to renew an act of trust in his presence and protection in my life.

He loves me, he is not indifferent to my daily crosses, and he is with me in my trial (cf. Lucie Favier, "Regnum Christi")

Calm me Lord, as you rebuked the winds and the sea.





4. Contemplatio (Yield and pray)


I now yield under God's watchful eye as I get ready for an examination of conscience to discover God's steps in my life.




I now enter into a dialogue with Christ and pray:

Lord Jesus Christ, you invite me to seize this time of trial and disbelief as a time of choice.

Teach me to take time to choose what is important, and necessary in my life's path towards you and towards others.


I take a calmness prayer and hymn of a petition by David Adam to feed my mind and my soul with your presence during this week: 


Calm me, O Lord, as You still the storm.

Still me, O Lord, keep me from harm.

Let all the tumult within me cease.

Enfold me, Lord, in Your peace.

Calm me Lord, as you rebuked the winds and the sea.



Exit meditation using Psalm 121





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Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Psalm 127:1,2

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(On Sunday morning, Bus 1 gets you from Hilversum Train Station to within a 4 minute walk of the church.)